Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How to manage our expanding Society

Lately, I have noticed an upsurge of hits on our two websites. Unfortunately, I have no idea what the interests are. But judging from our membership number which has grown tremendously since 2000 - there seems to be a lot of interest.

Whereas, the number of graduates since 1965 till today will now be in several hundreds or maybe in thousands - it will be quite difficult to reach out to such a great number of prospective members nor even find out the various needs of our colleagues.

I propose then that like the old Roman Empire whose citizenship stretched throughout out a great portion of the known world then, the creation of regional Governors proved very successful in containing the Empire - let us devise then, a way to reach out to our colleagues by creating a Coordinator for every decade of graduation.

What this means is that for every decade, there will be a point person or coordinator who will feel the pulse of interest among the respective colleagues.

1960 - 1969 One Coordinator
1070 - 1979 One Coordinator
and so forth until;
2000 - 2009
2010 - present

All Coordinators will be part of the Executive Committee composed of the Officers and Board of the FEU-NRMF MTIAS.

They will have a minimum of 4 meetings per year. This can be done through Skype (or other modes) and better still through an actual personal sit down meeting if possible.

I would encourage you to put your thoughts in this Blog!

Have a Blessed Christmas and a very Exciting New Year!

Bert Gomez '67

Friday, December 7, 2012

Official Logo

FEU-NRMF MT International Alumni Society is proposing a historic scholarship programs for 2nd and 3rd year students of the School of Medical Technology.

Here is a section of the the draft of the scholarships that are under consideration by the Board and Officers:

The FEU-NRMF MTIAS Excellence Scholarships, are the premier scholarships awarded by FEU-NRMF Medical Technology International Alumni Society.

These scholarships are awarded to Second to Fourth year students of the FEU-NRMF School of Medical Technology who have demonstrated excellence in academics and other endeavors and who have shown leadership in their school and community. These scholarships are in the form of a partial tuition fee (30%) every semester of studies and are renewable every semester upon completion of the requirements.

posted by Bert Gomez