Friday, December 7, 2012

FEU-NRMF MT International Alumni Society is proposing a historic scholarship programs for 2nd and 3rd year students of the School of Medical Technology.

Here is a section of the the draft of the scholarships that are under consideration by the Board and Officers:

The FEU-NRMF MTIAS Excellence Scholarships, are the premier scholarships awarded by FEU-NRMF Medical Technology International Alumni Society.

These scholarships are awarded to Second to Fourth year students of the FEU-NRMF School of Medical Technology who have demonstrated excellence in academics and other endeavors and who have shown leadership in their school and community. These scholarships are in the form of a partial tuition fee (30%) every semester of studies and are renewable every semester upon completion of the requirements.

posted by Bert Gomez


  1. To all MT alums of that great institution FEU-NRMF SMT, you can now post your comments.

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