Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How to manage our expanding Society

Lately, I have noticed an upsurge of hits on our two websites. Unfortunately, I have no idea what the interests are. But judging from our membership number which has grown tremendously since 2000 - there seems to be a lot of interest.

Whereas, the number of graduates since 1965 till today will now be in several hundreds or maybe in thousands - it will be quite difficult to reach out to such a great number of prospective members nor even find out the various needs of our colleagues.

I propose then that like the old Roman Empire whose citizenship stretched throughout out a great portion of the known world then, the creation of regional Governors proved very successful in containing the Empire - let us devise then, a way to reach out to our colleagues by creating a Coordinator for every decade of graduation.

What this means is that for every decade, there will be a point person or coordinator who will feel the pulse of interest among the respective colleagues.

1960 - 1969 One Coordinator
1070 - 1979 One Coordinator
and so forth until;
2000 - 2009
2010 - present

All Coordinators will be part of the Executive Committee composed of the Officers and Board of the FEU-NRMF MTIAS.

They will have a minimum of 4 meetings per year. This can be done through Skype (or other modes) and better still through an actual personal sit down meeting if possible.

I would encourage you to put your thoughts in this Blog!

Have a Blessed Christmas and a very Exciting New Year!

Bert Gomez '67

1 comment:

  1. Today, I sent emails by grad class requesting them to reach out to those they know. Hopefully, this will connect us to those who are interested in helping build our organization.
